A simple guide for identifying mountain flowers

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A book for people who enjoy walking on uplands and mountains of Britain and Ireland, and observing the natural life there. One hundred and two species of flowering herbs and shrubs are described, one per A5 page. Designed for easy use in the field using a smartphone or tablet. Also it is suitable for printing at a high-street print-shop as a ring-bound A5 booklet. This is a fully revised version at 2024, with improved photographs, new maps, and smaller file size.

This guide is updated at least once per year, as clearer photographs and information are available. Just exchange your PDF file for the latest one here.

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All 102 species descriptions have the format shown left above. Also structure of flowers of 9 typical families are shown as at right.  


 Mountain Flowers: how do they survive up there?

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Moss campion, Silene acaulis, a true mountain plant, showing the adaptation of a perennial cushion of foliage.

Mountain flowers often show distinct adaptations to the severe environment they live in. These various forms of growth and reproduction add greatly to the pleasure of observing these plants. The document here is based on the extensive literature of botanical research on this topic in many mountainous areas of the world. The Pdf document was created as a slideshow in PowerPoint format.